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It takes some risks and offers a complete compendium of characters from each installment of the anime. dbz games also puts an emphasis on creativity with the fusion system, but lacks
focus. I want to love it, but I can't fathom sitting through that story

dbz games

Dragon Ball Fusions is basically for the fans only. If you're a dedicated follower of Akira Toriyama's work, then you'll find a lot to enjoy with this title. At least I can fuse Chiaotzu with a Saibaman. Now maybe he won't be so worthless. There's a lot of merchandise out there for anime fans, and beyond the DVDs and Blu-rays and all that, by far the most collectible of them are the figures. My personal experience with them has mostly been with the simple, un-posable statues, but Bluefin was kind enough to send something a little bit different my way. These are the Figure-rise Standard Dragon Ball Z model kits from Bandai. Self-assembly kits are far from my forte, considering I must have been about 10 years old the last time I put anything like this together. But, hey! With the fresh announcement of Dragon Ball Super getting a North American simulcast, 'tis the season to dive head first into a fun little hands-on project. What we have here is a Super Saiyan Goku kit, and a Final Form Frieza. Judging by the box art I'm assuming these two releases are meant to go hand-in-hand. Inside each box are a series of plastic frames with the pieces in them and the instructions, as you'd expect.

The first thing I read here was that tools like metal clippers and tweezers were required (not provided with the kits themselves, but they were supplied to me for the sake of the review), and I gave an honest try at using the clippers as much as possible for removing the pieces from their frames, but dbz games quickly learned that was not the ideal method.

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