48 results for automobile

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Matra had its origin in a pre-WWII small aeronautical contracting company named CAPRA, which was changed to Matra (Mech...
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Formed in 1986, the Chinese carmaker Geely Automobile is China’s first independent car manufacturer. Initially...
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Roding Automobile Roding Roadster
(2008, 2979cc, 320hp (unit), 2 doors, Coupé)
encyclopedia > Roding Automobile > model
Founded in 2002, Bei Jing Li Shi Guang Ming Automobile Design Co., Ltd, is the first independent local automobile desig...
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Ruf is a German producer of vehicles based in Pfaffenhausen, Germany. In fact, Ruf cars are built from Porsche unfin...
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La Buire  was founded by J.Frossard de Saugy,  in Lyon, back in 1847, for the construction of  tramwa...
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  Beijing Automobile Works, also simply called BAW, is a Chinese carmaker formed in 1953. Beijing produces mostl...
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Knox Automobile Company was established by Harry Austin Knox, in Springfield, Massachusetts, United States, in 1899....
encyclopedia > make1 models
The Overland Automobile Company was established by Claude Cox in Terre Haute, Indiana, USA, in 1903. In 1905 the Com...
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Simca Vedette
Simca Vedette was produced by Simca when the company bought the Ford’s interests in France, including its plan...
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(1965, 3273cc, 117hp (unit), 2 doors, Coupé)
encyclopedia > Ford > Mustang Gen.1 > Version33 specs