48 results for automobile

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(1965, 3273cc, 117hp (unit), 2 doors, Coupé)
encyclopedia > Ford > Mustang Gen.1 > Version33 specs
  Brilliance is a Chinese car manufacturer formed in 2003 and based at Shenyang, People’s Republic of Chin...
encyclopedia > make1 models  |  6 photos
Panhard et Levassor
Panhard et Levassor  was established by René Panhard, Edouard Sarazin and Emile Levassor in 1887. The fi...
encyclopedia > make5 models
Roding Automobile
Roding Automobile GmbH is the manufacturer of the sports car Roding Roadster launched in 2008. The company based in ...
encyclopedia > make1 models  |  7 photos
The Oltcit was manufactured by Automobile Craiova, a car builder established  in 1976 in Craiova, Romania, as a...
encyclopedia > make1 models  |  4 photos
Monte Carlo Automobile was founded by Fulvio Maria Ballabio, a racing car pilot, in Fontvieille, Monaco, in 1983. MCA&r...
encyclopedia > make1 models
ZAZ or Zaporizhia Automobile Building Plant was founded by the Governement of the USSR in Zaporoshje, Ukraine, in 1960,...
encyclopedia > make3 models
Saipa (Societe Annonyme Iranienne de Production Automobile) was founded in 1966 and is located in Tehran , Iran. The co...
encyclopedia > make1 models
The Mercer Automobile Company had its roots in a small, high-quality automobiles plant of New York, owned by William...
encyclopedia > make3 models
Gac Group
encyclopedia > make