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  The Avanti Motor Corporation was established in 1964 in order to carry on with the production of a model previ...
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Benarrow is a relatively recent car manufacturer, founded in 2008 in Wittlich, German...

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The Scottish company Argyll produced cars in the years between 1899 and 1932 and again from 1976 to 1990. The carmak...
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Great Wall
Chinese car business Great Wall, also known as simply GW or GWM, is currently China’s largest independent auto...
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Reynard Motorsport is a racing team that competed with success in many championships: Formula Ford, Formula 3000, Fo...
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Waaijenberg Mobiliteit B.V was founded in Veenendaal, Netherlands, in  1979. Their first   first car was...
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Hillman-Coatalen Motor Car Company was established by  William Hillman and Louis Coatalen in Coventry,England,&...
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Founded by Humphrey Cook, Raymond Mays and Peter Berthon in November 1933, the English Racing Automobiles (ERA) was ...
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Armstrong Siddeley
Headquartered at Coventry, England, the British engineering group Armstrong Siddeley set off in 1919 and produced lu...
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  Formed in 1956, British carmaker Berkeley was based at the Bedfordshire county, England. Berkeley produc...
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The Yamaha Group already exists since 1887, but it wasn't until 1955 that the Yamaha Motor Co. was created. The company...
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