933 results for _ in Marcas

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Laurin & Klement
Laurin & Klement was founded in 1895 by  Václav Laurin and Václav Klement in Mladá Bol...
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Elfin is an Australian make and manufacturer of sports and racing cars. The company is based in Melbourne, Australia...
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Victoria is most known for producing motorcycles, although it has produced the Spatz, a microcar. Founded in 1886, t...
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AM General
Established in 1971, AM General is a North American producer of heavy vehicles, particularly the legendary Hummer and H...
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Praga is a manufacturing company based in Prague, Czech Republic. In 2006, it was purchased by International Truck A...
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Albion is a car component producer that is currently owned by American Axle & Manufacturing, but it used to be a...
encyclopedia > make2 models
Wolseley Motor Company was officially registered in 1914, although Herbert Austin, who would later open the Austin M...
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Imperium Automotive is a high-end design house based in Edinburgh. The scottish brand designs and manufactures hand ...
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  Diatto was an Italian car company that manufactured innovative and good quality automobiles from 1905 un...
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Midland F1 Racing
Midland F1 Racing was a racing team as well as a F1 constructor. The F1 team was founded after the owner of the Midl...
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  Andre was the make of the lightweight 2-seat sports car built by T. B. Andre in 1933 and 1934. The Briti...
encyclopedia > make1 models