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Stewart was a Formula One team founded by Jackie Stewart in 1996. It participated in F1 Championships from 1997 to 1...
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The Innocenti Company was founded by Ferdinando Innocenti in Milan, Italy, in 1920 and became famous in the pos-WWII...
encyclopedia > make7 models
Th Schneider, a French manufacturer of automobiles, settled in 1910 in Besançon and remained active until 192...
encyclopedia > make2 models
Monteverdi Binningen Motors was established by Peter Monteverdi in Binningen,  Basel, Switzerland in 1956. P. M...
encyclopedia > make8 models  |  1 photos
SA L'Auto Métallurgique, was founded in Marchienne-au-Pont, Belgium in 1898. The company first engaged in...
encyclopedia > make2 models
Glassport Motor Company (GSM) was established by Bob van Niekerk and Willie Meissner in Cape Town in 1958 to build s...
encyclopedia > make2 models
Scarab was founded by the millionaire Lance Reventlow in the United States of America. Reventlow started to build sp...
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After the war, Captain Frederico Saldana draw a series of small vehicles which he published in trade journals. His f...
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