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Società Piemontese Automobili  was founded by Matteo Ceirano and Michele Ansaldi in Turin, Italy,  ...
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The Herreshoff Motor Company was founded by Charles Herreshoff in Detroit in th...

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Emile Claveau developed various car prototypes, which were presented at the Paris Salon in 1926, 1936, 1948 and 1956...
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Established in 1906 in Puteaux, France, the car company Unic produced passenger vehicles...

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  Established in 1910, Chiribiri was an Italian car producer and engineering company based in Turin, Italy...
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  Fageol was an American manufacturer of cars, trucks and farm tractors formed in 1916. The company was ba...
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Manor Racing
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encyclopedia > make1 models
  Elva was a British sports and race car producer formed in 1955. With headquarters in Hastings, in the Un...
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  The British carmaker Fairthorpe produced its vehicles from 1954 to 1976. The company had its headquarter...
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