The defunct German carmaker Auto-Union consisted on the merging of four p...
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(1938, 2986cc, 485hp (unit), Monoplaza)[019]
encyclopedia > Auto-Union > model5 photos

model - (Alemania, 1936-present)
encyclopedia > Auto-Union > model2 versions | 4 photos
(1960, 980cc, 45hp (unit), 2 doors, Berlina (sedán))
encyclopedia > Auto-Union > 1000 > Version40 specs
(1959, 980cc, 56hp (unit), 2 doors, Coupé)
encyclopedia > Auto-Union > 1000 > Version44 specs
(1960, 980cc, 51hp (unit), 2 doors, Coupé)
encyclopedia > Auto-Union > 1000 > Version47 specs