37 results for healey

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The British sports car produced Austin-Healy has been defunct since 1972. This compan...

encyclopedia > make4 models  |  71 photos
(1951, 2993cc, 108hp (unit), 2 doors, Descapotable (cabrio))
encyclopedia > Healey > model54 specs
Healey Motor Company was found by Donald Mitchell Healey, in Warwick, U.K., in 1945, to build sports cars. In 1952 D...
encyclopedia > make8 models  |  17 photos
(1953, 4138cc, 142hp (unit), 2 doors, Coupé)
encyclopedia > Healey > model54 specs
(1950, 3845cc, 127hp (unit), 2 doors, Roadster)
encyclopedia > Healey > Nash-Healey > Version53 specs
Healey Nash-Healey
(1952, 3845cc, 127hp (unit), 2 doors, Roadster)
encyclopedia > Healey > Nash-Healey > Version51 specs
Healey Nash-Healey
model - (Reino Unido, 1950-1954)
encyclopedia > Healey > model3 versions  |  14 photos
(1952, 4138cc, 142hp (unit), 2 doors, Roadster)
encyclopedia > Healey > Nash-Healey > Version54 specs
Healey Silverstone
(1949, 2443cc, 105hp (unit), 2 doors, Roadster)
encyclopedia > Healey > model44 specs  |  2 photos
(1946, 2443cc, 105hp (unit), 2 doors, Berlina (sedán))
encyclopedia > Healey > model42 specs