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Reino Unido Reino Unido (1963 - present)
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2013-09-02 @ 15:23 | © photo courtesy of: McLaren
McLaren is one of very few automakers that have had success at Le Mans, Formula 1, sports car racing and the Indy 500The campaign tries to promote innovation and production in the UKButton will drive the GREAT 12C sometimesThe 12C is entirely built in the UK from its monocoque to its engineA McLaren já começou a testar o novo sistema na BélgicaIsto significa que os carros não vão perder as rodas mesmo que as porcas não estejam bem enroscadasA partir do Grande Prémio de Singapura as equipas vão ser obrigadas a usar o novo sistema de retenção duplaMcLaren is already testing the systemIt means that cars will not lose their wheels even if the nuts are cross-threadedFrom the Singapore Grand Prix Cars will be required to have a dual wheel retention systemQualquer carro proveniente desta parceria só chegará por volta de 2018, no mínimoAs duas marcas começarão a competir em parceria em 2015Any new cars will not go on sale until around 2018They will begin racing together in 2015Em maio a McLaren já teria vendido dois terços das unidades previstas para produçãoO carro está equipado com um motor V8 biturboO P1 deverá chegar aos concessionários no final do verãoAs of May, McLaren had said that it had sold two-thirds of themIt packs a twin-turbo V8 and hybrid engineThe P1 is scheduled to go on sale later in the summerHonda vai fazer o primeiro teste ao motor no outonoMcLaren vai regressar aos motores Honda em 2015
The campaign tries to promote innovation and production in the UK