Toyota Says We Live in the Future; Cars in the Past
Toyota has created a new advertisement saying that we live in the future, except in our cars. It uses the Blue Danube Waltz that immediately makes you think of 2001: A Space Odyssey. It shows a couple getting ready in a futuristic world that is not too far from our own. Then they go downstairs and get in their car. I won't spoiler it from there, but the message is clear and quite good.
Wow, this is great advertising. Toyota is not known for good advertising. Name one great ad for them, just think about it. But they need to keep the company that made this. It alludes to several classic Sci-fi movies like 2001, a little Star Wars, a little Blade Runner and some Minority Report. Bravo, Toyota.
The message is great that we live in a futuristic world of smart phones and advanced communications but our cars are based on technology over a century old.
Wow, this is great advertising. Toyota is not known for good advertising. Name one great ad for them, just think about it. But they need to keep the company that made this. It alludes to several classic Sci-fi movies like 2001, a little Star Wars, a little Blade Runner and some Minority Report. Bravo, Toyota.
The message is great that we live in a futuristic world of smart phones and advanced communications but our cars are based on technology over a century old.