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Japón Japón (1989 - present)
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2013-03-11 @ 13:57 | © photo courtesy of: Infiniti
A mudança é apenas de nomeEste ano o Infiniti JX vai passar a ser chamado QX60A Infiniti vai adicionar uma versão híbrida ao modelo crossover de sete lugaresIt is just a name change, it has not actually been changedThe Infiniti JX will become the QX60 this yearIt will add a hybrd version to the lineupInfiniti is trying hard to build popularity in Europe and AsiaThose engines will be a 3.7-liter V6, turbo four-cylinder, hybrid and dieselHowever, it will have its full suite within two yearsAt launch in North America the Q50 will have just one engineInfiniti InTouch™, la connectivité intelligente de prochaine générationUn environnement digital entièrement personnalisable qui s’adapte aux spécificités des différents conducteurs et au style de conduiteDeux nouveautés technologiques mondiales : le Direct Adaptative Steering et l’Active Lane Control D’autres motorisations viendront compléter la gamme au fil des lancements internationaux Le choix des motorisations pour le lancement américain comprend un V6 3.7l et un 3.5l hybride.Ce tout nouveau modèle incarne la nouvelle direction des Infiniti nouvelle génération et de la marque.Model should receive two extra engines from Mercedes for other markets including EuropeInterior detail from the Q50The Q50's interior is more spacious than its predecessor's G36...and a 3.5 unit associated with a hybrid systemIn the U.S. market the new Q50 will be sold with two V6 engines, a 3.7 unit with 328hp...Infiniti Q50 is the new BMW 3 Series rival in the premium segment
A Infiniti vai adicionar uma versão híbrida ao modelo crossover de sete lugares