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Team Lotus

Team Lotus

Reino Unido Reino Unido (2010 - present)
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2012-05-18 @ 19:07 | © photo courtesy of: Team Lotus
Lopez refere que sempre acreditou que o regresso de Raikkonen seria um sucessoPara o manter na equipa a Lotus terá de produzir um carro com capacidade para vencer o campeonato do mundoRaikkonen já alcançou 10 pódios e duas vitórias desde que regressou à F1 em 2012Lopez says that he always trusted Raikkonen would be a successTo keep him, Lotus will have to build a championship-winning carRaikkonen has scored 10 podiums since returning to F1 in 2012A publicidade vai incluir a imagem de um pássaro preto zangadoO E20 vai receber publicidade da Angry Birds na frenteAngry Birds and the Lotus F1 Team Partner for MonacoAngry Birds and the Lotus F1 Team Partner for MonacoGrosjean was fastest in two out of three days of practiceRomain Grosjean at the Malaysian Grand Prix where he qualified 7th but did not finishLotus F1 Team Removes Sponsorship with Group LotusNew Pirellis Will Lead to Different Tire Strategies in F1 this Year Says LotusLotus Confident of Strong Performance this SeasonRoundup of Weekend Formula 1 Testing NewsGrosjean and Lotus Fastest Again on Day 2 of F1 TestingLotus Proves New Chassis with Fastest Time in PracticeLotus Clarifies Reasons for Pulling Out of PracticeRaikkonnen Leads First Day at Jerez F1 TestRaikkonnen Leads First Day at Jerez F1 TestEquipa Lotus F1 revela E20
A publicidade vai incluir a imagem de um pássaro preto zangado