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Francia Francia (1882 - present)
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2013-07-02 @ 13:14 | © photo courtesy of: Peugeot
Citroën is doing better than its sibling Peugeot O carro cimentou a história da Peugeot nos rálisLoeb não irá conduzir o carro em GoodwoodO carro bateu um novo recorde por mais de um minuto e meioThe car certainly furthers the history of Peugeot rallying despite only racing onceLoeb unfortunately will not be driving the car at GoodwoodThe car set a new record by over a minute and a halfPeugeot tem estado em dificuldade nos últimos anosA marca tem tido bons resultados na ChinaPeugeot has been struggling for the last several yearsIt has been performing well in ChinaVatanen hatte vor genau 25 Jahren mit 10.47,220 Minuten ebenfalls einen neuen Rekord aufgestelltMit seinem Erfolg holte Loeb den dritten Sieg für Peugeot nach 1988 (Ari Vatanen) und 1989 (Robby Unser) beim Bergrennen in Pikes PeakDer neunmalige Rallye-Weltmeister erreichte dabei eine Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit von 145 km/hLoeb unterbot die bisherige Bestmarke von 9.46,164 Minuten deutlich um mehr als 1.30 Minuten. Peugeot 2008 1.6 e-HDi Limited Edition FelineO carro é basicamente um 908 com uma carroçaria baseada no 208Loeb voltou a mostrar que é o melhor piloto de rális do mundo da atualidadeLoeb é o novo recordista de Pikes PeakThe car is essentially a 908 prototype with a 208-shaped body placed on topLoeb has shown again that he is the greatest rally driver alive todayLoeb holds the new Pikes Peak record by over a minute faster than the previous record
Der neunmalige Rallye-Weltmeister erreichte dabei eine Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit von 145 km/h