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Reino Unido Reino Unido (1909 - present)
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2013-04-04 @ 19:44 | © photo courtesy of: Ford
A Ford melhorou o Mustang seis meses depois do início da sua comercializaçãoEste logótipo estará em todo o merchandising dos 50 anos do MustangO Mustang foi lançado a 17 de abril de 1964 em Nova Iorque e ficou disponível imediatamenteOs primeiros carros usavam um gerador em vez de um alternadorThe earliest cars used a generator instead of an alternator The Mustang was introduced on April 17, 1964, in New York and went on sale the same dayThis insignia will be on all of the 50th anniversary merchandiseFord improved the Mustang after just six months in productionFord C-MAX 1.6TDCi TitaniumFord MondeoBarb Samardzich é a diretora de produtos da Ford EuropaBarb Samardzich is the head of Ford products in EuropeThe Mustang in Shelby guise has been boosted up to 850hpIt is not the first time that we have seen turbocharged muscle cars. The Mustang SVO did it in the 80s.Ford KugaFord KugaFord KugaFord KugaFord KugaFord KugaFord KugaFord Kuga
Ford improved the Mustang after just six months in production