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República de Corea República de Corea (1954 - present)
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2012-09-10 @ 13:03 | © photo courtesy of: Ssangyong
Ssangyong e-XIVSsangyong e-XIVLe Crossover du segment B s’inscrivant dans la continuité des séries XIV précédemment présentéesLe Concept e-XIV introduit la technologie électrique de la MarqueIl pourra aussi recevoir des motorisations 1.6L Diesel et EssenceO e-XIV também utiliza um motor de pequena cilindrada a gasolinaO e-XIV é baseado no anterior protótipo XIVO tejadilho tem células solares embutidas para gerar potênciaThe roof panel has embedded solar panels to create powerThe e-XIV is based on the previous XIV conceptThe e-XIV uses a small-displacement petrol engineAvant première du nouveau SsangYong RextonAvant première du nouveau SsangYong RextonSsangyong brings XIV-2 Concept and Korando Enhanced to GenevaSsangyong brings XIV-2 Concept and Korando Enhanced to GenevaSsangyong brings XIV-2 Concept and Korando Enhanced to GenevaSsangyong brings XIV-2 Concept and Korando Enhanced to GenevaSsangyong brings XIV-2 Concept and Korando Enhanced to GenevaSsangyong brings XIV-2 Concept and Korando Enhanced to GenevaSsangyong brings XIV-2 Concept and Korando Enhanced to GenevaSsangyong brings XIV-2 Concept and Korando Enhanced to GenevaSsangyong brings XIV-2 Concept and Korando Enhanced to Geneva
Il pourra aussi recevoir des motorisations 1.6L Diesel et Essence