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Alemania Alemania (1918 - present)
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2012-04-18 @ 14:15 | © photo courtesy of: BMW
The E46 M3 GTR used a 450hp V8 and competed in ALMS for two years before being legislated out of the seriesThe E36-chassis M3 came in 1992 with 325hp and competed in the DTM and ADAC GT CupThe E92 M3 was the overall winner in the 2011 ALMS championship. It has about 485hp.Der eDrive wird alle zukünftigen Fahrzeuge aus der BMW i-Serie bezeichnen.Der i8 hat eine CFRP-Karosserie mit einem Motor, der als Reichweitenvergrößerer den elektrischen Motor unterstützt.The Edrive name will be on all future BMW i-carsThe i8 has a CFRP body with a range-extending engine working as a generator for the electric motorBMW crashed at NürburgringThe Edrive name will be on all future BMW i-carsThe i8 has a CFRP body with a range-extending engine working as a generator for the electric motorA BMW 502 touring in MunichEach car will be individually numberedThe interior has carbon fiber trim, black leather and Palladium leather armrestsThe car is 10mm lower with 19in black wheels and dark chrome side gills and kidney surroundsO novo Táxi Ring é baseado no M5 F10 de 560cv. BMW M5 Ring TaxiThe new Ring Taxi is based on the F10 M5 with 560hp. Andy Warhol and His Art CarsAndy Warhol and His Art CarsAndy Warhol and His Art CarsAndy Warhol and His Art CarsAndy Warhol and His Art Cars
O novo Táxi Ring é baseado no M5 F10 de 560cv.