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series - (Alemania, 1993-2003)
encyclopedia > Porsche > Boxster > Gen.112 versions | 2 profiles | 28 photos

series - (Alemania, 2016-present)
encyclopedia > Porsche > Panamera > Gen.215 versions | 34 photos
series - (Alemania, 2017-present)
encyclopedia > Porsche > Cayenne > Gen.32 versions | 6 photos

2012-05-16 17:24:12
Después de años de especulación, Porsche ha confirmado finalmente que la pr...
news > noticias5 photos
Ferdinand Anton Ernst Porsche (born September 19th 1909 – died March 27th, 1998), also known as Ferry Porsche, was an Austrian automobile designer and entrepreneur.
With his father he opene...