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Alemania Alemania (1918 - present)
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2012-09-03 @ 10:48 | © photo courtesy of: BMW
A média de idade de um funcionário da BMW na Alemanha em 2017 será de 47The average age of a BMW employee in Germany will be 47 in 2017The new navigation system allow for 3d graphics because of its faster processorThe 3 Series Touring makes its debut this fallThe 1 Series is getting all-wheel drive options and several new enginesSegundo os inquiridos os condutores de carros pretos especialmente potentes são os mais agressivos na estradaAccordingt to respondents, it is especially drivers of powerful black cars that are aggressive.Nach Angaben der Befragten, fallen besonders Fahrer schwarzer und PS-starker Wagen als aggressiv auf.BMW X5 3.5dGreen, blue, orange and other earth tone hues are also proving popularChinese buyers prefer foreign cars like this Chinese-only BMW 3 Series long wheelbaseEin Reihensechser mit Turbo wirkt wie ein Rückschritt.Voltar aos motores turbo de seis cilindros em linha parece um retrocessoIt seems like a step back to go to a turbo inline sixThe turbo engine was carried into the 2002 Turbo but produced 170hp, not the 200hp from the conceptThe Turbo concept was clearly the spiritual predecessor to the M1BMW X3 sDrive18dBMW X3 sDrive18d AutomaticThe service allows users to rent a car temporarily. DriveNow uses ActiveEs now and will use i3s when they are releasedO X3 sDrive18d será um SUV de luxo de gama inicialThe X3 sDrive18d will be an entry-level luxury SUV
Segundo os inquiridos os condutores de carros pretos especialmente potentes são os mais agressivos na estrada