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Land Rover

Land Rover

Reino Unido Reino Unido (1978 - present)
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2012-12-12 @ 20:45 | © photo courtesy of: Land Rover
The team is almost entirely wounded British soldiersRace2Recovery will enter four trucks plus a support vehicleThe Evoque is the best selling car in the Jaguar rangeThe new Range Rover will go on sale soonLand Rover 90 Defender Hard Top SA nova geração do Range Rover também irá fazer a sua estreia norte-americana no Salão de Los AngelesA Land Rover vende cerca de 5 vezes mais carros do que a Jaguar a nível globalLand Rover sells about 5 times as many cars worldwide as JaguarThe team has been preparing all year to go to Dakar in JanuaryO Evoque descapotável também deve estar disponível em breveO DC100 será o modelo de entrada da Land Rover no segmento dos SUV compactosThe Evoque Convertible is also due soon. The DC100 will be Land Rover's entry into the compact SUV marketA Jaguar Land Rover espera reduzir o número de chassis para dois ou trêsJaguar Land Rover hopes to drop down to just two or three chassisO monocoque de alumínio vai reduzir significativamente o peso do Range Rover SportThe aluminum monocoque will reduce weight significantly. A equipa treinou em MarrocosThe team competed in the Pharons rally and trained in Morocco this monthO jipe aparece nas primeiras cenas do 007 James Bond SkyfallCarro vai estar em exibição até ao dia 27 de outubroThe truck appears at the beginning of the film
The Evoque is the best selling car in the Jaguar range

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