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Suecia Suecia (1947 - present)
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2013-06-11 @ 17:16 | © photo courtesy of: Saab
Saab 900Em 2014 a NEVS vai começar a produzir a versão elétrica do 9-3 na ChinaOs carros serão produzidos com peças que sobraram da altura em que a SAAB declarou falênciaNEVS recomeçou a produção do Saab 9-3 na SuéciaIn 2014, NEVS will begin building electric 9-3 models in ChinaThe cars will use remaining parts to build the carsNEVS has restarted Saab 9-3 production in SwedenIt plans to use the company's parts to create new models, but will start by putting the 9-3 back in productionIt bought Saab last AugustNEVS is owned by Chinese and Japanese investorsSaab 9-3The judge found that GM had the right to block the saleSpyker wanted to sell the car to Chinese automaker YoungmanThe final new Saab model was the second-generation 9-5No entanto, ainda não produziram nenhum carroDesde então a Saab foi vendida a um conglomerado global gerido na SuéciaOs procuradores alegam que os funcionários tentaram evadir aos impostos suecosThey have since to produce a car since being soldSaab has since been sold to a global conglomerate being run in SwedenThe prosecutors allege that the employees attempted to evade Swedish taxesTambém vão estar a leilão dois 9-3Também existem vários 9-5 SportKombi
The judge found that GM had the right to block the sale