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Red Bull

Red Bull

Austria Austria (2004 - present)
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2013-05-23 @ 13:11 | © photo courtesy of: Red Bull
Red Bull Sticks with Renault engines for the foreseeable futureSo far Nico Rosberg has done well in practice. Qualifying will be key because of the few chances to passIt is certainly one of the oldest as one of the four original races still on the calendarMonaco is considered one of the greatest races on the F1 calendarWebber é atualmente um dos pilotos mais experientes da Fórmula 1A solução pode passar por retirar velocidade aos carros e tornar as ultrapassagens mais fáceisWebber diz que conduzir um Fórmula 1 hoje em dia é frustrante porque um piloto fica preso atrás de outro carro durante a maior parte da corridaWebber is among the most experienced drivers in F1 todayThe solution might be to slow the cars down and make the cars easier to passWebber says that driving a car today is frustrating because the driver waits behind a car for most of the raceEcclestone já afirmou que se afastaria do cargo na Fórmula 1 caso venha a ser acusado oficialmenteEcclestone has said he would step down if officially chargedA Red Bull tem sido uma das equipas mais queixosas esta temporadaEcclestone diz que os novos pneus obrigam os pilotos a usar mais o cérebroOs pneus chegaram, em alguns casos, a durar apenas quatro voltasRed Bull has been among the most vocal against this year's tiresEcclestone says it forces drivers to use their brainsThe tires have lasted as few as four laps in some casesA equipa refere que seriam necessárias oito paragens numa corrida para que pudesse andar na sua máxima forçaO dono da Red Bull Dietrich Mateschitz está bastante insatisfeito com a situaçãoVettel está na liderança do campeonato do mundo, mas apenas com quatro pontos de vantagem sobre RaikkonenThe team says it would have to stop eight times a race if it was running at full speed
The solution might be to slow the cars down and make the cars easier to pass

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