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Red Bull

Red Bull

Austria Austria (2004 - present)
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2013-03-25 @ 14:54 | © photo courtesy of: Red Bull
A Red Bull e a Mercedes são as equipas que têm sido mais afetadas pelos novos pneusA Pirelli não quer ceder aos caprichos de algumas equipasPirelli does not want to bow to the whims of a few teamsRed Bull and Mercedes have been the teams most affected by the tiresVettel e Webber já não se dão bem há já algum tempoVettel já ignorou por diversas vezes as ordens da equipa, mas nunca se gerou uma situação como na MalásiaHorner refere que os dois resolveram as questões principais do desentendimentoHorner says that the two of them have mostly worked it outVettel has repeatedly ignored team orders, although not usually like in MalaysiaVettel and Webber have not gotten along well for quite awhileVettel venceu na Malásia mas pode ter sofrido um duro golpe em termos de relações públicas com o seu actoVettel won in Malaysia but may have taken a public relations hit for how he did itA corrida começou molhada, mas a pista foi secando ao longo da provaRed Bull conquistou a primeira dobradinha da temporada, contudo envolta em controvérsiaThe race started slightly wet but dried over the course of the raceRed Bull took the top two tiers of the podium amid controversyVettel was about a second faster than Alonso at the end of the sessionRed Bull anticipates better performance in MalaysiaWebber did not experience the same problemsRed Bull says that Vettel's tire degradation problem was due to setupAustralian Grand Prix 2013Australian Grand Prix 2013
Vettel and Webber have not gotten along well for quite awhile

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