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Francia Francia (1898 - present)
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2014-02-05 @ 10:27 | © photo courtesy of: Renault
O design foi criado por designers em França, Índia, Rússia, Brasil e JapãoO Kwid Concept é o primeiro protótipo da Renault a ser revelado fora da EuropaO Kwid Concept está preparado para receber tecnologia elétrica, incluindo uma tomada de carregamento atrás do logotipo da marcaOs bancos do veículo estão suspensos sobre uma basa sólida branca, o que dá uma impressão de levezaO carro tem ar condicionado traseiro com controlo na parte de trás do banco do condutorO interior tem um look futuristaRenault intends to highlight the brand’s commitment to new markets, such as IndiaThe dashboard is an integrated tablet for commanding the navigation of a mini-chopper, the Flying CompanionThe vehicle comes with a two-wheel drive transmission, but projects the facade of an off-road carThe car has a robust but fun design and is packed with technological features, including a mini-chopperThe vehicle has been fitted with the latest-generation downsized 1.2-litre petrol turbocharged engineThe design was created by desgners in France, India, Russia, Brazil and JapanKwid Concept is the first Renault concept car to be unveiled outside EuropeThe Kwid Concpet is prepared to receive eletric driving technology, including a charging plug behind the Renault logoThe vehicle’s seats, suspended over a solid base in white, give an impression of lightnessThe car features rear air conditioning with controls on the driver seat’s back as well as ventilation through concentric perforationsThe interior has a futuristic lookDeco revela os citadinos mais fiáveis de 2013Cada piloto terá cinco motores disponíveis durante toda a temporadaA Renault vai ser a fornecedora oficial da Caterham, Lotus, Red Bull e Toro RossoO motor da Renault não mostra tanto quanto o da MercedesEach driver is limited to five power units
The vehicle’s seats, suspended over a solid base in white, give an impression of lightness